Aline Barbosa da Silva
Aline Barbosa da Silva, 2018 - present
I am an oceanographer, with MSc. and Ph.D. in Physical, Chemical, and Geological Oceanography. I have experience in spatial analysis, GIS, and geoprocessing. I am responsible for the LAATM database. Currently, as a postdoctoral fellow, I analyze the movement of seabirds using data from GPS trackers and geolocators. I interpret the use of space by seabirds at ‘Abrolhos’ and ‘Trindade’ archipelagos, as well as by albatrosses caught in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Danielle Rodrigues Awabdi
Danielle Rodrigues Awabdi, 2019 - present
I am currently a post-doctoral fellow in the Project "Chemical and Biological Characterization of the Pelagic System of the Santos Basin: Characterization of chelonians and seabirds in the Santos Basin". I am a biologist, Ph.D. in Ecology and Natural Resources from ‘Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro’ – UENF. I developed my master's degree working with the diet of juvenile Green sea turtles on the Rio de Janeiro State. My Ph.D. concerning the knowledge of artisanal fishermen of Rio de Janeiro State about sea turtles and their interplay with that. I am broadly interested in ecology and conservation biology, targeting trophic ecology, marine pollution, ethnobiology, ethnoecology, and environmental education, mainly with marine turtles.
Fernanda Valls
Fernanda Valls, 2019 - present
Postdoctoral researcher in FUSP (PETROBRAS/CENPES) linked to the Institute of Oceanography of FURG. I am a researcher who investigates the population variation of birds related mainly to trophic ecology, environmental variations, and anthropic impacts. My current research is related to characterize the pelagic system of Santos Basin, aiming the understanding of the dynamics of the spatial and temporal distribution of seabirds in the Santos Basin region.
Márcio Repenning
Márcio Repenning, 2018 - present
Postdoctoral fellow in ‘Programa de Monitoramento da Biodiversidade Aquática’ (PMBA), ‘Rede Rio Doce Mar’ (RRDM).
I am an ornithologist, with interests in avian biology. I am experienced in taxonomy and systematics, behavior ecology, and conservation of Neotropical birds. I have integrated analysis in morphology and bioacoustics with population genetics, aiming to assess differences within and between close-related species. I have a special interest in biological collections. I am the current bird collection assistant at LAATM.
Paloma Lumi Costa
Paloma Lumi Costa